Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Martian Voodoo

I am going to make a clean break from the previous posts. So, I no longer even pretend to have the energy or the discipline to do music reviews. If anything, I may start recommending albums without doing as detailed reviews.

Since my last update, I have decided to continue with my education in the Classics (Greek and Roman culture and literature) and now I am aiming for a PhD. I begin a graduate program either here in California (UC Irvine) or in Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) in the Fall of 2014.

On the art front, I am very stagnant. I have a few art pieces I have worked on here and there, but for the most part I haven't been drawing consistently. I mostly draw during seasonal breaks, which would more or less amount to me managing only one to four drawings a year. It's a bit of a shame.

 I have a new website where I upload all of my art work though!


This website has been in MASSIVE need of update and reorganization and all of the above, but hopefully that will be taken care of when my schedule lets up.

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